When I arrived at Nan's Friday evening (late as usual, had just signed the contract to sell my condo), I was greeted with huge hugs from Nan, Nique, Ted, Kenna, Camille Ashcraft (one of Nan's "sisters" - I hope she includes me in that short list!), Phil, Larry Camp, Ted's super new heart throb, a stunning little girl named Cindy, and a wonderful spread to comfort my tummy. Nan does the best food in town! The very best thing, though, was all the love in the air; it was mind boggling! And you should all be green eyed that you missed the great conversations and food and drink and love. We sat on the verandah until the wee hours laughing and talking. Phil and Larry and Camille departed to various sleepy time hideaways, and the rest of us piled into various rooms for some much needed shut eye. Humorous sideline: Nan was having her master bath redone, so about one hundred gals were fighting over the remaining 2 powder rooms all weekend! With a little humor and a lot of cooperation it worked beautifully. The next morning Phil and Larry and Camille rejoined the group lounging around drinking coffee and nibbling wonderful muffins. Then Jeanne (I can't stop calling her Nelda), and Sue and Dick Durgee arrived. Soon John Ashcraft and his new wife Peggy and their daughter Lee Ann, joined the troups. Simultaneously, Kenna was dashing off to Miami to meet her students for their flight to Mexico (I hope she made it on time). Nan put together another wonderful spread for lunch, and then we all drifted to various locations. I went shopping () with Nique, Nan ran somewhere, Phil and Larry disappeared for a bit, and Nan's adorable new dog Maggie May was going nutz trying to keep track of everyone and keep her tummy filled. I sure hope someone got a picture of that white dishrag of a dogg with her diaper on - you had to see it to believe it. After everyone was fed and hugged and together again, we left for the boat trip to bid a final farewell to our bestest buddy. At the boat, we were joined by Lewis and Debbie Maltagahti, he being one of Jeff's students and friends. After a beautiful tour of the waters of Sarasota on our 48 foot love boat, we dropped anchor in a beautiful spot and the ceremony began. Nan climbed down close to the water, and we all touched hearts as she released Jeff's spirit to the sea. We tossed roses into the water, and the most amazing thing happened -- all Jeff's friends tossed a yellow rose, then Ted and Nique threw two white roses, and Nan finally threw one red rose on the water. The yellow roses seemed to join together in a carpet, and slightly separate, the two white roses floated side by side, with the red rose crossed atop them. It was perfect, and we all felt Jeff's presence very strongly, I know he was orchestrating the entire show in his inimitable fashion. Never did the roses change pattern as they drifted away. We listened to the most beautiful song in the world, "Time to Say Good-bye," and some tears were shed. Nan read the Indian's prayer, and we toasted Jeff with sparkling wine in crystal glasses. No, we didn't forget to pour some into the water for Jeffrey! Jeannie also sprinkled some garlic on the water - Buddy said Jeff had to have enough garlic wherever he went! We spent some time remembering and loving our memories, and then we motored back to the dock. Back at the Villa Giordano, Nan put out yet another mind boggling spread (how she managed all this amazes me). The chocolate dipped strawberries were amazing, Nan. After hours of good talk, good eats, and great friendship, (oops, almost forgot to say we were joined by one new member, the Maltagahti's baby Paul Stephen, who was adorable ) , Dick and Sue decided to wend their way homeward, and the group began to scatter. Phil and Larry back to their hotel, Camille to her home, the Maltagahtis to theirs, the Ashcrafts to theirs. Jeanne and I spent the night with Nan and Ted and Nique and Cindy and Maggie May. The next morning, Phil and Larry rejoined us, and we all went to breakfast (fantastic food again - I must have gained 20 pounds that weekend)! I really hated to say good-bye to everyone, but it was time to go. The memory of that weekend will live with me forever. It was the perfect farewell, a time of healing and love for all who shared it. I hope Nan and Ted and Nique know how blessed we all feel to have been there, and how much a part of our lives they will remain. Once again, I lift my heart to the memory of my dear forever friend, Jeffrey Antonio Giordano; my paisan. Love you all. Keep me in your hearts this STNY, and keep in touch across the miles. Shahnda |